.heim appreciates your interest! Do you have any questions, comments, praise, critique, or all the things? Would you like to talk about a special order or renting Heim's space for your event? Please use the contact form below or call the shop at 503.206.5537.

Name *

Where can I find .heim?

Heim is located in the Roseway neighborhood, on the corner of 72nd and Sandy, in Portland, Oregon. The exact address is 7137 NE Fremont St., Portland, OR 97213. 

What are your hours?

Wednesday through Sunday, 8am to 2pm.

Do you do special orders or catering?

We do! We’d love to provide cake, desserts, sweets or anything off of our current menu. Unfortunately we do not have the capacity to provide custom meal catering at this time.

Does .heim rent out it's space for special events?

We sure do! Follow THIS LINK for more details.

Who took those BEAUTIFUL photos?

Well, another lovely Jenn from Jenn Byrne Creative was kind enough to capture Heim’s soft opening. She's an amazing photographer and videographer, working with personal clients and businesses. Check her out!
Mixed in there are a bunch of product shots that are Heim’s Jenn’s own.